With innovative ideas that can create huge impact on communities, young people hold a wealth of potential. Thus, a nurturing environment and proper support for these young entrepreneurial talents could help their ideas take flight and enable them to reach greater heights. Read on to learn about what both mentors and mentees feel about mentoring, including our HyperX mentor, Mark Lim.
Road construction material, beer and energy – these are some things that start-ups in Singapore are looking to produce as they reuse or recycle waste.
While Durwin was an undergraduate at the National University of Singapore (NUS), he spent a year at Stanford University under the NUS Overseas College programme. It was during his work experience at Stanford that Durwin, who later earned an MBA at NUS, started his journey in tech and start-ups.
eet Eugene Soh, 32, founder of Mind Palace, a social enterprise that uses virtual reality (VR) technology to immerse persons with dementia in familiar locations or experiences, thereby keeping their minds active and slowing the effects of dementia. To date, Mind Palace’s VR headsets have been piloted at several nursing homes across Singapore, and plans are […]