With innovative ideas that can create huge impact on communities, young people hold a wealth of potential. Thus, a nurturing environment and proper support for these young entrepreneurial talents could help their ideas take flight and enable them to reach greater heights. Read on to learn about what both mentors and mentees feel about mentoring, including our HyperX mentor, Mark Lim.
Accelerating innovation in supply chain resilience, urban food systems, alternative proteins and affordable nutrition, a powerhouse of dynamic early stage start-ups from the Asia-Pacific region will pitch their ground-breaking technologies at this year’s virtual Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit on November 18-20.
Without further ado, below is a round-up of the startups hailing from all over Asia who are slated to pitch at the Summit next month and the disruptive technologies that they’re bringing to the table.
The COVID-19 pandemic has badly impacted the job market in Singapore, with pay cuts, retrenchments, as well as salary and hiring freezes.